Saint Luke's Episcopal Church Iglesia episcopal
815 High St, Des Moines, IA 50309, Estados Unidos
Ciudad : Des Moines, Iowa, Estados Unidos
Sitio web :
Telefono : +1 515-288-7297
email : [email protected]
Horario y dias de apertura :
miércoles, De 9:00 a 16:00; jueves, De 9:00 a 14:00; viernes, De 9:00 a 16:00; sábado, Cerrado; domingo, De 8:00 a 12:00; lunes, De 9:00 a 14:00; martes, De 9:00 a 16:00
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Valoración por los usuarios de google maps : 4
Nº opiniones usuarios google maps : 8
Opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :
Worst servive for Palm Sunday. Why end the service with the reading of the Passion. This is the one time to be uplifting.
Very nice church, I attend a meeting held here , but the people I$0027ve come across or friendly, very pretty church inside
My church home for over 2 decades. An affirming community filled with the love of Christ. The service and music are wonderful.