Asylum Hill Congregational Church Iglesia Unida de Cristo
60 Gold St, Hartford, CT 06103, Estados Unidos
Ciudad : Hartford, Connecticut, Estados Unidos
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Telefono : +1 860-249-5631
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Valoración por los usuarios de google maps : 4,5
Nº opiniones usuarios google maps : 12
Opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :
It$0027s a house to give thanks to the Lord to pray and in there it$0027s I think heard a lil louder
Nice church downtown. Historical site in Hartford with ancient cemetery.
Spirit filled service. Refuge Tamil service is conducted in the Chapel building. If you like to worship in Tamil this is the place to go…
spirit filled tamil church. focussing to reach the unreached and preach the gospel.
They believe in something not in Christ
Best people ever