The Franklin House Iglesia
506 Jordan Rd, Franklin, TN 37067, Estados Unidos
Ciudad : Franklin, Tennessee, Estados Unidos
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Telefono : +1 615-790-0106
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Valoración por los usuarios de google maps : 5
Nº opiniones usuarios google maps : 10
Opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :
REAL preaching by Pastor Ronnie Johnson through the Holy Spirit with LOVE & COMPASSION.The music is out of this world AWESOME!
I love this church and the people!! I recommend this church to anyone it$0027s the real deal.
Love the people and the setting. Everyone makes you feel so loved and welcome. pastor Ronnie Johnson is amazing.
Great Sunday School teacher. Wonderful worship
Beautiful church and friendly people.
Great Neighborhood Church
A loving church that loves Jesus, His word, and the community