Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Iglesia luterana
1715 Bull St, Columbia, SC 29201, Estados Unidos
Ciudad : Columbia, South Carolina, Estados Unidos
Sitio web : stpaulscolumbia.com
Telefono : +1 803-779-0030
email : –
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Valoración por los usuarios de google maps : 4,6
Nº opiniones usuarios google maps : 8
Opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :
Welcoming, beautiful, high church with a comfortable, real life message, harming, knowledgeable, reverend , Reverend and a great choir!
They hosted the USC Gift of Body service, DeLoaches donated flowers.
Just walking past on another outing but this is a beautiful church. The architecture is amazing.
Lovely church….my niece had her wedding reception here.
It was the most Precious Service
I$0027ve only been to visit