First Baptist Church Alexander Iglesia bautista
4829 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, Lanett, AL 36863, Estados Unidos
Ciudad : Lanett, Alabama, Estados Unidos
Telefono : +1 334-576-3518
email : –
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Valoración por los usuarios de google maps : 4,3
Nº opiniones usuarios google maps : 8
Opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :
The word was what I needed to last until sunday again.Everything was great looking forward to sunday.
Came to get a Covet 19 test and the people working were very friendly and helpful.
My First Home Church
Rev. McTier preaches the old time gospel for a new generation.
I have never been inside this church but I$0027m sure it$0027s a great place to worship the Lord
Very moving, God is in the service.