Iglesia Evangelica Pentecostal Iglesia pentecostal
4911 47th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95824, Estados Unidos
Ciudad : Sacramento, California, Estados Unidos
Sitio web : calvaryforyou.com
Telefono : +1 916-393-7000
email : [email protected]
Horario y dias de apertura :
viernes, De 8:30 a 15:30; sábado, Cerrado; domingo, De 10:30 a 13:00, De 15:30 a 19:00; lunes, Cerrado; martes, De 8:30 a 15:30; miércoles, De 8:30 a 15:30, De 19:00 a 21:00; jueves, Cerrado
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Valoración por los usuarios de google maps : 4,9
Nº opiniones usuarios google maps : 14
Opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :
I$0027ve attended Calvary since 1990 and I$0027ve had a wonderful life changing experience. They teach and preach what is found in the scriptures.
It$0027s the best school/chruch to go to they make you feel welcomed and safe and they teach things about God to.
Its the best chruch you can learn about god and they teach your children the truth
We are the spiritual descendants of Jesus$0027 apostles. Praise the Lord!
Great church !!
My grandson attends to Calvary,and he$0027s changed astonishingly??.