First Pentecostal Church Iglesia
200 E Butcher Switch Rd, Lafayette, LA 70507, Estados Unidos
Ciudad : Lafayette, Louisiana, Estados Unidos
Sitio web :
Telefono : +1 337-237-4462
email : –
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Valoración por los usuarios de google maps : 5
Nº opiniones usuarios google maps : 10
Opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :
Great place to worship. Praise GOD…
The word of God comes out and you understand it.
The entire church was really warm and welcoming to us. It felt like home the 1st time we were there!!!
Amazing atmosphere. Friendly family oriented church. A place where everyone fits
Consistently feeding our hunger for more of Christ.
If you$0027re looking for a good Church, this is the one.
Love it here
Great place
Wonderful pastors and family atmosphere!)